Welcome to my wonderful world of craziness! I hope you can come along for the ride and enjoy the humor, sadness, happiness, and excitement that goes on in my crazy Escher family household!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Ahhhhhh.......the stress of 2010.....

Okay, so I was totally thinking that 2010 would be ten times better than 2009.......and I think it still will be, but man! Really?!? I am so very frustrated right now. We just found out that instead of moving February 1st, we might be moving sooner! Our short-sale realtor said that it looks like the bank FINALLY approved things and we have a tentative closing date of January 20th. If that's the case, then we need to move into our rental townhouse even sooner. It's fine.....because the people we are renting from are very flexible. That's not even the issue.......I realized something last night that throws us for a little loop..........When we move, Owen will NOT be going to the same elementary school. I assumed that since we would be physically closer to the school, that he would stay there. Nope. I was wrong. I just happened to look at the boundary map last night and he will have to go to Big Woods Elementary. It's not that I'm bummed about the school.......I'm bummed for Owen. He's such a good student and he's a quiet kid and he enjoys routines. This is going to completely deviate from his usual routine. He's such a sensitive boy that I'm afraid he's going to freak out or something!! I know I am probably more worried about this than I need to be.....I'm overreacting. But I just feel so bad for him. Not only does he have to deal with moving to a new house and his daddy leaving for 14 weeks, but now he has to adjust to a new school for the end of the year. I know, I'm just whining. It's stupid. It is what it is. There's not much I can do about it. I just feel bad when my kids worry or are upset about things. Oh well........such is life, right?

And, to top it off, I have a sick child and a sick husband at home right now. Julian has been fevering for almost 24 hours now and Jeff looks like death warmed over about 10 times........I don't feel the greatest, but I know I definitely feel better than they both do. Blah Blah Blah....... I will quit complaining now.

So, basically, my life is a little up in the air right now. I have no idea when we are moving, I don't have my house packed yet, I don't know who Owen's teacher will be..........I shall wait and find out!

Well, I'm going to go rest for a bit while I have the chance. I hope everyone is having a fantastic 2010 so far and I hope to write more positive things next time! :)


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