Welcome to my wonderful world of craziness! I hope you can come along for the ride and enjoy the humor, sadness, happiness, and excitement that goes on in my crazy Escher family household!

Friday, June 18, 2010

6 days left and COLORADO, here we come!!

WOW!  By this time next week, Jeff will be back home!  On June 25th, his plane will come in around 7:30pm and the chicklets and I will be there to welcome him home.......after 4 long months!!  You know, sometimes when I think about it, it seems like he left just yesterday.  And other times, it feels like he's been gone for years.  I have gotten used to doing everything by myself, that I'm not sure what I'll do with all the extra help around here?!?  Don't get me wrong, it will be WONDERFUL to be able to go to the store by myself again and make a quick 'run' to Target or the gas station without having to lug all 4 kids with me.  It will be nice to watch tv with Jeff at night, instead of watching shows by myself.  (Not that I totally mind watching tv alone......it's actually the most enjoyable part of my day lately!!)  But, once he gets home, it's not going to be roses and cookies.......then the crazy stuff will start.........scheduling movers to come pack us up and move us.........finding a place to live in Colorado Springs.....saying goodbye to family and friends........getting ourselves ready for a couple day drive to Colorado......getting the animals ready for our move.........and so on.  The "FUN" will really begin once he gets home. 

But, once we make it out to Colorado and get settled into a home, things will start to fall into place.  I don't know what the future holds for us, but I know it will be an adventure regardless.  Some good, some bad.......but always an adventure.  The kids are hideously excited to move to Colorado!!  I'm not sure if they really 'get' what it all means, but as of now, they can't wait!  I can't wait to see their faces when they see the big old mountains for the first time.  I'll have to make sure NOT to pack my camera!!  This will be such a fun trip for them!  I just hope we can find a place to live that will work out for our chaotic little crew!  But, we have a little time, yet, so I won't stress too much! 

I still don't know how we went from getting our 'last place choice' of duty stations.........switched to our 'first place choice'???  And, with less than 2 weeks to spare!!  We are very lucky.  Especially Owen.  I am banking on the fact that Colorado will have better medical care for Owen than Texas would have.  In fact, I still need to bring him in to see his ENT one more time before we leave.  His voice is sounding scratchy again and I feel another surgery is in his near future.  I know this is something we all need to get used to.........but how do you get used to the fact that your child is going to be put under and have his throat scraped and prodded at and poked at??  And to know that it will happen again.......and again.......and again.......  With, most likely, no end in sight.  Unless they come up with a cure for this disease, my baby will be in and out of clinics and hospitals his whole life.  I know I should be grateful........I know I should count my blessings......I know it could be wore.......much worse.  Some kids in his situation have already had 5, 10, 30, 100's of surgeries............right now, he's one of the lucky ones.  I just have to keep my fingers crossed that his papillomas aren't and won't become aggressive.  But only time will tell.  So, once we get settled into our new Colorado home, I will be on the hunt for a fabulous Pediatric ENT.  That's all I can do.  And, as a mother, it breaks my heart that I can't do more.  It absolutely breaks my heart.

Well, now that I've gotten all dismal and depressing, I will stop here!  No more unhappiness for now.  We have 6 days until we get to see Jeff and that's wonderful news!  I will keep everyone posted once we find out when and where we will be moving!  Hopefully I'll be able to post some pictures, too!  Again, thank you to everyone who has been supportive of this insane decision we've made.  We cannot thank you enough!


1 comment:

  1. Good luck to you guys. Moving is a great adventure. You will have good family memories of this time. Enjoy it!
