Welcome to my wonderful world of craziness! I hope you can come along for the ride and enjoy the humor, sadness, happiness, and excitement that goes on in my crazy Escher family household!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The time has come....

Well, it's finally here. We brought Jeff to the hotel today and he will wake up bright and early tomorrow morning and fly to Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. He will be doing a shortened version of "boot camp" for 5 weeks. (He doesn't have to do the 'full' deal, because he's been in the Army before.) Then, after 5 weeks is up, he will fly to Ft. Knox, Kentucky. He will be there for approximately 9 weeks. We are hoping that we will find out where he/we will be stationed shortly after he arrives at Ft. Knox. Because he's 'doing tanks,' there's only so many places we could possibly end up. I know these for sure: Ft. Hood Texas, Ft. Bliss Texas, Ft. Carson Colorado, Ft. Stewart Georgia, Ft. Knox Kentucky, Ft. Riley Kansas, Ft. Irwin California and I believe there are some in Germany, as well. After lots of talking, Jeff and I are in agreement that we would love to end up at Ft. Carson Colorado. I, personally, think that the "worst case scenario" would be Jeff getting stationed in South Korea. If he goes there, he CAN'T bring us. So, we would stay here. Now, that wouldn't be terrible, because most of our family is here, but he would be under a year long contract. I don't know that I can be separated from him for that long right off the bat!! But, it's not in our hands. So, we will have to wait and see.......

It's weird, because I know I am going to be a "single mom" for the next few months. Since Jeff and I have been together, the longest we've ever been apart is 1 week. How the heck am I going to last for 14 weeks?! I'm not worried about whether or not I can do it. I KNOW I can.......I just am going to really miss him. For those of you who don't know, Jeff is an EXTREMELY involved and helpful father and husband. (I'm not just saying this because he's my hubby.....it's the truth.) He brings Owen to the bus stop most mornings, he brings Julian to preschool a lot, he takes them to doctor appointments, he does dishes and laundry and cleans all the time, he scoops the dog poop, he shovels, he fixes the van when it needs it, he buys me treats that he knows I like and so many other things..........Especially since he's been unemployed.......he's always home. So, I am going from one extreme to the other. It's going to be a little bizarre.

I know there are some moments that I will enjoy........I will enjoy the alone time I'll get at night. Granted, now I won't have anyone to talk to and laugh with when I watch The Bachelor, Desperate Housewives, The Office, Cougar Town, Modern Family, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and American Idol. But, I never really get alone time, so I think it will be good for me. We'll see what I type a few weeks from now!!!

Anyway, tonight is the first night I'm going to bed without my hubby next to me. I'm sure I will wake up with the 27 lb. cat looking at me or the dog crying because he doesn't know where his dad is. It will be weird, but I will do it. We made this decision together and we made it to better our lives. If it means being apart for a little while, then so be it. Hopefully, it will only make us stronger.......

More later.......



  1. You can do it Rachelle! I will keep you guys in our prayers!!

  2. Love you dear!!! Let me know if you need anything.

  3. I know this is a month late (sorry!)...but I know how you feel. You'll have days you miss Jeff like crazy, then days where you hardly miss him & will feel bad that you don't miss him more, lol. It's strange being a military wife. Military life has many advantages and disadvantages...but overall I love it and think you will too =)
