Welcome to my wonderful world of craziness! I hope you can come along for the ride and enjoy the humor, sadness, happiness, and excitement that goes on in my crazy Escher family household!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Our busy little week.....

Okay, so we've had an exciting little week! My Mr. Baby Guy just decided to start crawling on Saturday!! Finally! He's almost 13 months old and he just learned to crawl! He has one itty bitty speck of a tooth and he crawls! Yeah, he should be doing more.....but he's a laid back little thing! He will do new things when he's ready.....I hope!

Owen had an allergy doctor appointment last Wednesday. For those of you who don't know, Owen is allergic to apples. Weird, I know! Well, he's always been bummed about this allergy. He LOVES apples and, surprisingly, apples are in a lot of foods!! We're talking fruit snacks, poptarts, nutrigrain bars, and most juices! These are things he hasn't been able to eat for a year now. So, we brought him back in to find out if we need to STILL stay away from apples. AND........he is STILL allergic to apples. So, we got a prescription for a new Epi-pen (in case he goes into anaphylactic shock) and we have to have lots of Benadryl nearby (in case he gets hives). I also had to bring his medications to his new school and talk to the nurse and fill out paperwork. So, he's set on that, but he's still really bummed about not being able to eat apples. Did you know, though, that he can eat fruit roll-ups but not fruit snacks?? Fruit roll ups are made with pears and fruit snacks are made with apples! Good to know! Also, we had to ask the doctor about Owen's extremely hoarse voice. His voice has just been going downhill for the past few months and I just thought it was because of allergies or something. Well, the doctor said probably not, so he referred us to an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. So, we will go in to see that doctor on Wednesday this week.

Owen also had an eye doctor appointment last Thursday. It's been a year since he got his glasses, so we wanted to make sure his eyes are doing okay. His appointment went just fine and his eyes are the same AND we even got to order him another pair of glasses (turns out his insurance will cover one pair of glasses a year! Yay!) So, that was fun and he's excited to get a new pair of glasses! It was funny, because when Owen was in the exam room with the doctor and Jeff, I was in the waiting area with Julian, Cleo, and Westin. Cleo and Julian were sitting next to each other and Julian leaned over and started singing to Cleo....."Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, looking like a fool with your pants on the ground!" I said, "Julian, how do you know that song??" He said, "Mom, it was on Ellen today!" I busted out laughing! It was so funny, because he knew the tune and everything! You see, Julian and Cleo go to bed before Owen, so Julian never watches nighttime tv with us. Owen does, though, so he watches American Idol with us all the time.......but Julian never watches American Idol, so I was shocked that Julian knew that song! It was pretty cute!

So, as of today, it's 16 days away and then Jeff will be gone. I'm not sure how I'm feeling about this right now. It's kind of surreal to me. A month ago, it seemed like it was so far away.......but now it's right around the corner! It's coming up fast and I don't know what to think and feel about all of it. I'm sure I will have hideous mood swings when he leaves. I'm sure I will yell and cry a lot. I'm sure I will be taking a lot of Excedrin, too! (That's my pill that makes me feel a sort of high that I just love.......terrible, I know, but I take it for the caffeine along with my strong cup of coffee and along with my wellbutrin). I don't know if they have a Pill Addicts Anonymous group, but if they do, I should join it!

Anyway, things are going to be crazy busy up until the day Jeff leaves. Jeff is getting a massage tomorrow, Owen goes to his throat doctor on Wednesday, we have a WIC appt on Thursday, and I work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (then I'm done with work). Plus, we get up at the buttcrack of dawn to get Owen off to school!! He has to wake up at 6:15am! That's so early for a little guy like him!! (Heck, it's early for a big girl like me!) And, Julian goes to preschool every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, too! I just want to sleep for 3 days straight. Perhaps I could get a catheter and sleep for a few days and not have to worry about money, or the kids, or Jeff leaving, or school, or anything........just sleep. That would be a dream come true!

Speaking of dreams.......I had a dream last night that Jeff got stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas. Honestly, I've never thought of myself as a Texan before, but I have looked at some houses for rent near there and they aren't too bad! I've just never pictured myself living in the South, but I better get used to it, huh?? Oh well......only time will tell!

Well, I best find something to eat for lunch and get going for the day. I will post more later!


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