Welcome to my wonderful world of craziness! I hope you can come along for the ride and enjoy the humor, sadness, happiness, and excitement that goes on in my crazy Escher family household!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

School, Army, Life......Colorado

So, yesterday Jeff left 'for the field' until August 28th.  It sucks, but at least I know that he's only 15 miles away.......even if I can't see him.  :)   Gotta stay positive, right?!  And, as much as I have to do while he's gone, I also don't have much to do.  Does that make sense?!  I have a doctor appointment tomorrow, so I can get my prescriptions re-written.  It will be the first time I go onto post without Jeff.  So, I have to navigate my way around that mini-city and find the hospital.........and make it to my appointment on time!!  Eeeek!  (For those of you who know me well, you know I'm not the 'timeliest' person out there!) 

I'm also in the process of getting Owen and Julian signed up for Connections Academy.  (It's a bunch of paperwork).  I know I went back and forth trying to decide what to do about school for the boys.  I don't like the one they are supposed to go to, so that's not even an option for them.  I DID fill out some paperwork at a school nearby, Howbert Elementary.  It has great ratings, but it's an itty bitty school!!  (Not that that's a big deal).  And then there was always the option of Connections Academy Online.  I have been researching and Jeff and I decided that we would try the online route.  I hate to say it, but one of the biggest 'pros' of C.A. is the fact that we don't have to wake up at the buttcrack of dawn and drive to and from school everyday!  I am also NOT a morning person.......I never have been.  And the idea of waking up everyday before 7am, getting the kids breakfast, getting the kids dressed, lugging them down 40 steps (no matter the weather), so I can drive 3 miles and drop them off at school........is NOT my idea of a fun time!  I probably sound selfish now, but I talked to Owen and Julian about our options.  I asked them if they would rather GO to a school or do school online at home and they said they would be fine with either one.  I know Jeff wasn't totally convinced until I showed him Connections Academy's website.  The curriculum is awesome!  They can work at their own pace and spend lots of time on the subjects that challenge them and whiz through the subjects that are easy for them.  They can also take electives!!  What?!?  Yes, my Kindergardener can take Spanish!!  And Owen can take French, Spanish, or Sign Language!!  I think it's awesome!!  They also coordinate field trips and they send all the supplies you need to your front door!!  If you need a computer and printer, they will send those, too!  AND.....they will pay ME money to go towards my internet bill!!  But, another big 'pro' is the flexibility that it will offer.  If we want to take a vacation, we can.  When Owen needs a surgery, it will be so much easier than pulling him out of school (and Julian, too) every time.  And, I will know everything that my kids are learning.  I will know what they are good at and what they need help with.  Honestly, there were days Owen came home from school last year and I'd ask him what he did that day and he would say, "I don't know?".......Really?!  That's your answer? 

And, yes, I'm sure you're thinking about the 'cons'........The biggest 'con' is the fact that they won't be getting out of the house and physically going somewhere and interacting with other kids.  To me, socializing my children is very important.  I don't want them to have complexes when they get older, because they are so anti-social!!  My plan of attack for that one is to sign the boys up in some extra-curricular activities.  Right now, I'm thinking I'll get them in a karate class.  And, because they will be doing school from home, I can bring them whenever I want.  I don't just have to look for evening classes!  And I believe they can use karate towards their phy. ed. requirements for school!  There is a chess club through C.A., as well.  I think I'll sign Owen up for that, because he really loves chess.   So, I'm really excited about all the possibilities we have before us!

Now, what about Cleo??  I have filled out the Preschool packet for her to attend the preschool through the district.  Of course, I'm sure she'll be on a waiting list.  But if they have an opening for her, I will sign her up!  She would love to go to school!  If I can't get her in a class, I plan to sign her up in a dance class.  And because I'm still waiting to here back from the University of Colorado, I'm not sure what I'll do with that.  I plan on attending school myself, if I can.  I know they have a childcare center on campus and I might be able to bring the kids there so I can attend classes and so they can play with other kids!  I think they would love it, because they've never been in a daycare before. 

And.....Westin......well, he'll just be himself and go along with whatever works!  He's usually pretty laid back, so he should be fine!  Let me tell ya, the boy is just about 19 months old and he will NOT walk!!!  Are you kidding me?!  Are you gonna wait until you're two!?!  He finally stands up on his own in the middle of the room.  He doesn't stand for long, but at least he's trying!  He also only has 4 teeth.  But it's more than Cleo had at this age!!  What's up with my kids waiting until the last minute to do things?!?  Sheesh!

Other than school stuff and Army stuff, I must say I really do love Colorado!  It is so beautiful here and it never gets old waking up, opening the blinds, and seeing those big mountains every morning!  I actually LIKE opening my blinds now!  I have something to look at!  And the weather is cool, too!  Usually around 4 or 5 pm, it rains a little.  And when it storms here, it's awesome!  The thunder is crazy loud and the lightening is insane!  But, I LOVE storms!!  And, it can be 80 degrees and then it will rain and cool to about 60 degrees!  It's not as humid as Minnesota, either.  There's definitely a lot of variety here.........and I love that! 

As of now, Jeff still plans on being done with the Army after his 3 year contract is up, but we need to just take it one day at a time.  Perhaps he will stay in the Army??  I don't know.  Or maybe he won't, but we might stay here and buy a house??  Or we will be done and go back to Minnesota??  I have no idea what our future holds, but I think it looks bright!  Hopefully I can get through the next 18 days without going insane!!  At least I get to talk to Jeff everyday, though, so that's nice. 

Well, I will stop here for now.  Hopefully I will have a little more figured out by the next time I write something! 


1 comment:

  1. THANKS for the update Rach. I know the kids will really like CA. What I like about it is I can see Brandon's grades every day. I don't have to wait until assignments come home or tests come home. I don't have to wait for report cards to see if he's struggling. I can see it right away and nip it in the butt.
    That is a HUGE plus you will see.

    The school will send you course manuals to follow along, guide them through assignments and grade their daily work, (eg., workbooks).

    Did you know that if you decide to take a trip to the zoo or to a museum you can use that to count toward school time? I think all you have to do is have the kids write about what they learned.

    They won't miss school because they have a cold. They can work in their pajamas, can get up when they want to and work when it's best for them.
    You may discover that Owen works and concentrates best in the monrning but Julian does in the afternoon. They can each do their work when it's best for them.
    You can break up their day as well or their week for that matter. As long as they are meeting the state requirement of 20 hours of school per week you can do that 20 hours whenever you like.

    Is it SUPER DUPER important to get them socialized. We have not kept up on that with Brandon, mostly because my husband is anti-social and I have seen a big HUGE difference in Brandon's ability to socialize and his self esteem. Take them to the playground, get them involved in things etc.

    You're on the right track cuz, holler if you need anything. The learning system online can be a bit tedious at first so call me if you want help.
    Love you!!
